Branch Christmas Luncheon

Members of the RAF St Mawgan Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association met for their annual Christmas Luncheon at the Travellers Rest in Trevarrian on Saturday. The assembled guest were treat to a fabulous meal followed by music by Gerry and the Hat-Tricks. Preceding the meal Chairman Steve Richards made several presentations to outstanding members of the branch for the 2019 year, Mr John Beale was congratulated on his efforts with collections for the Poppy Appeal and all he has done behind the scenes. Mr Mick Headleand ‘Mr Supermarket’ was mentioned in dispatches for his unrivalled ability in securing collecting spots where others fail miserably. To Mr Barry Fryett, special mention for his collection prowess at Cornwall Services. All were awarded with a special Bear in a Kitbag customised for their achievements. Some £ 27,000 has been donated to the RAF Wings Appeal over the past two years.

The Chairman went on to give special mention to Founder Treasurer and Member Mr Chris Cox who, after seven years’ service, was stepping down from his role due to concentrating on his recent investiture as President of the Rotary Club of Newquay. Chris will remain active in a PR / Media Role as most know him as a local photographer with the Newquay Voice. Chris was presented with a special bear too, he also won three times in the raffle !! before he disappeared to cover the Newquay vs Bodmin Football match.

The branch meet on the third Tuesday in the month in the TE Lawrence Mess at RAF St Mawgan, to find out more about the branch go online to or find us on Facebook @rafastmawganbranch

Branch makes life easier for one local RAF veteran

The RAF Association Branch based at here RAF St Mawgan and the Newquay Veterans Breakfast Club met up at the Newquay Best Western Hotel on Wednesday to present RAF Veteran Jay Anson with a Beach Access Wheelchair and a modified Surfboard.

Jay, who served at RAF St Mawgan in the 90’s, regularly attends the Veterans Breakfast Club and the affiliated Surf Club but could only watch his colleagues enjoy the water from the promenade, being excluded by the restricted access.  Through local contacts, the RAF Association heard of Jays predicament and through its welfare programme, funded and procured the specialist wheelchair and surfboard for Jay.

Now able to join the Veterans Surf Club wholly in its activities, Jay commented “I’m thrilled to be able to now get involved completely with the Club and I can’t thank the RAF St Mawgan RAFA Branch and those that contributed to their welfare fund enough, for making this possible”

The Veterans Breakfast Club meets every Wednesday morning at 10:00 at the Steam Bar, Great Western Hotel (more details from Andy on 01637 874215) and for details regarding the local  RAF Association  Branch at RAF St Mawgan contact Steve Richards on or their web site at

Charlie Breen – Awarded RAFLO 15 Year Badge

At our Sep 19 Branch meeting, Branch President and Stn Cdr, Wg Cdr Heidi Madden presented RAFLO Cpl Charlie Breen, with his 15 Year RAFLO Badge.  This is given to RAFLOs who have carried out the role for a minimum of 15 years (Charlie has completed 20).

Pictured, presenting Charlie Breen with his 15 year RAFLO Badge, is Wg Cdr Heidi Madden and Chairman Steve Richards.

Antiques Fair 2019 Update

Branch stalwarts John Beale, Barry and Linda Fryett manned the stand at the local Antiques Fair held at Royal Cornwall Showground last weekend. Typical of the service persons mentality of how can i make this work, JB managed to engage the services of Thomas of Bargain Hunt fame to help man the stand !!

Pictured is the stand setup, John, Barry and Linda with Thomas from BArgain Hunt and lastly our worthy winner of the name the bear competition.

AGM 2019

This is notice that we shall hold our AGM on 19th February 2019 at 19:00 in the T E Lawrence Mess, RAF Station St Mawgan. For more information please contact Formal notification has been issued to all registered branch members.

Royal Cornwall Show 2018


Another successful year with the team of Steve Richards, Al Goudge, Paul Hedge, John Beale, Barry and Lynda Fryett setting up stall in the RAF Village for our 5th year in a row.

Over £ 1200 was raised over the three days to go forward with our other events to the Wings Appeal.

Enjoy the selection of pictures below


Lighthouse Cinema Fund Raiser

In celebration of 100 years of the Royal Air Force, the RAFA Branch at RAF St Mawgan held a special film night in aid of the Wings Appeal. What else can you show other than that classic of classics …. The Battle of Britain. Not quite 100 years old but a classic film made in 1965 with a massive budget and some of the air scenes have been used in many other films since.

The Lighthouse Cinema in Newquay was the location and some 200 revellers turned out to support the appeal. We were pleased to welcome Air Commodore John Bessell, who also hailed from Newquay, to give the main address along with main organiser Vice Chairman Paul Hedge and our Branch Chairman Steve Richards.

The evening kicked off with a glass of wine and a proper Cornish Pasty ! before all moved to Screen 1 for the parade of standards and the film.

An excellent event and thanks are due to Paul Hedge and his team, some £2300 was raised for the Wings Appeal. Per Ardua Ad Astra 🙂

Remembrance Parade 2017

A huge thank you to all the Members of the Branch that turned out to support the Remembrance Services and Parades at Newquay and St Eval where we laid wreaths, and St Columb Major.  On Friday 10 November, the Branch was invited to take part in the RAF St Mawgan Service where Vice Chair Paul Hedge laid a wreath. On Saturday Barry Fryett and Paul Hedge lowered the County and Branch Standards at St Columb Major for the 11th hour, 11th day salute.  Our own photographer (and Branch Treasurer) was on duty on Sunday with the local newspaper and caught all the action at the Newquay Parade where it was a rather blustery, ‘wreath-laying’ challenging day …. wasn’t it !

Antiques Fayre – Royal Cornwall Showground

In August 2017, we again set up our Branch Stall at the Cornwall Antiques Fayre at the Royal Cornwall Showground.  A huge thank you to Barry and Linda Fryett and John and Molly Beale who did a brilliant job in raising £401.07.

They had a visit from a previous ‘Name the Bear’ winner who dropped in to say hello, and also our very happy ‘Winner of the Day’ with her selected name of ‘Jeanne’ which she linked to the prizewinning RAF Regiment Bear.