Social Evening proves great success

The RAFA St Mawgan Branch, last night, held a social evening at the T E Lawrence Mess at RAF St Mawgan for members, their partners and guests together with RAFA members from other Cornish branches. The evening commenced with a welcome address by Secretary of RAFA St Mawgan Branch Flt Sgt Alan Goudge along with RAF St Mawgan Station Commander Wg Cdr Phillip Lamb, who incidentally is RAFA St Mawgan’s inaugural President. Some 80 plus members of the Association and their guests were entertained with live music throughout the evening led by RAFA St Mawgan Welfare Officer Bill McLaughlin. Food in the form of Curry and / or Chilli was on offer and thoroughly enjoyed by all, our thanks to the Chef and staff in the Mess for looking after us all so well. A rather long raffle was drawn at half time, rather long due to the very generous nature of the prize contributors who we also thank. Due to this and the efforts of Mr John Beale and his team of ticket sales persuaders ! the sum of £ 173.20 was raised …. there always seems to be a 20p ! Tickets were a pound each !!!

All in all a great evening and the chance for members of the other branches to get together with us and renew friendships and certainly we should gain at least one new member in the form of Nick Whitworth to whom County Chairman Lance Smale and I assisted with a membership application and pen for most of the evening !!!

RAFA St Mawgan Branch would like to thank RAF St Mawgan’s Station Commander Wg Cdr Phillip Lamb for the kind  hospitality of not only the station but of the T E Lawrence Mess staff and not forgetting the Mess Members for allowing us to have use of their facility.  We could not do it without your support. Thanks also to the other branches for attending and supporting the evening and to all the guests that attended too.

Looking forward to the next social …. Chris – RAFA St Mawgan Branch Treasurer