Battle of Britain Service at St Eval Church


The Battle of Britain memorial service was held on Sunday 12thSeptember at the St Eval Church near Newquay. An excellent service was led by the Royal Air Forces Association RAF St Mawgan Branch Hon Chaplain Wing Commander ( Retd ) Andrew Turner RAF, with a strong contingent from the branch together with serving personnel from RAF St Mawgan who were led by Station Commander Wing Commander Marshall Kinnear RAF. RAFA Branch Chairman Alan Goudge gave the dedication alongside no less than five Standards from not only the RAF St Mawgan branch but standards representing the RAFA Cornwall County, RAFA St Austell Branch, 781 Sqn ( Newquay ) Air Cadets and the St Columb branch of the RBL all professionally presented by Mr Barry Fryett, Mr Andrew “Spud” Yeomans, Mr Peter Paice, Mr Paul Hedge and a very well turned out young RAF Air Cadet.

Donations may be made online via the RAFA RAF St Mawgan Branch’s Facebook page @rafstmawganbranch and will go towards this year’s Wings Appeal. A street collection is due to take place, in Newquay, this coming Saturday between 10am and 4pm so please give generously if you can, it’s the first time since the pandemic started that we have been able to go out in public to mount a collection.


For any enquiries to the branch please visit our Website or email

Technology abounds …..

A good start has been made to the tech side of RAFA St Mawgan Branch, last night was spent getting a Facebook Page started, Flickr account for all the photos, RSS feeds and email subscription feeds for the website. I knew there was a reason why I got this job ! possibly something to do with owning a local computer company !!! Onwards and upwards … Chris ( Hon Treasurer and now Webmaster )